The prison is home to what we believe to be numerous Residual Hauntings. Residual Hauntings are best explained as a replay of a particular tragedy. Whenever a tragedy occurs, energy is released. At times this energy is triggered, and the result is a replay of the event itself. There have also been reports of Poltergeist Activity within the walls of Moundsville. One report in particular, claims that an entrance gate turns itself periodically.. as if new prisoners were still arriving at the prison. (which closed in 1995!) The prison has been a home to thousands of the country's most notorious criminals. Charles Manson, himself, spent some time there.. and requested on numerous occassions to be sent back to Moundsville to serve his time. It has also been a place where horrible crimes have been committed. Murder, torture, suicide, rape, and well over 90 executions have all added to the energy in the prison. Visual sightings, sounds of slamming cell doors, screams, and phantom footsteps are all seen and heard here. If you visit the prison, be sure to check out the "Sugar Shack," and the Chapel. (reportedly the 2 most haunted areas of the prison!) 